When EHP hits 0, an aether elemental's abilities will begin gradually taking PHP overtime, and any further actions will have MIND disadvantage until EHP can be recovered.
If abilities that take EHP are used when EHP is at 0, then the loss of PHP and disadvantages will get worse each time.
The ability to create illusions
+2 MIND and +1 DEX
Consumes 0 Elemental HP
The ability to control external energy
+2 DEX and +1 STR/ATK while in use
Consumes 0 Elemental HP
The ability to control spiritual energy
+2 STR/ATK and +1 DEF while in use
Consumes 0 Elemental HP
Astral Projection
Create an exact copy of yourself or others.
Create up to 2 decoys.
Grants MIND disadvantage to your foes.
Decoys will be destroyed upon physical contact.
Consumes 3 Elemental HP
Create an energy shield around yourself or an ally.
Grants DEF advantage to affected character until damage is taken.
+3 DEF with every additional shield stacked.
Consumes 2 Elemental HP
Drain an opponent’s EHP so they are unable to safely use techniques for 1 turn
Consumes 3 Elemental HP
Leave your physical body to go elsewhere in spirit.
Regenerates 2 Elemental HP for every turn spent in astral projection
Energy gained can be transferred to an ally
Construct Creation
Create objects and structures out of solid energy.
Grants a +7 bonus to the stat of the item’s intended use.
Items last for 3 uses.
Structures are permanent unless destroyed.
Consumes 5 Elemental HP
Steal someone else’s element for 2 turns.
Prevents the affected person from using their element for those 2 turns.
Gives you access to all of that element’s techniques except for Advanced ones.
Consumes 5 Elemental HP
Summon a small army of 5 spirits from the other side.
Each matches your stats.
Spirits will disappear when hit.
Consumes all Elemental HP
If elemental HP is below its max, you must roll for physical damage
Bring someone back from the dead.
Can only be done to the same character once.
Consumes all Elemental HP and half Physical HP
If elemental HP is below its max, you must roll for physical damage