Elementals possess special magical elements to bend to their will. As they practice more and more, their magic can become more powerful! Each element has its strengths, weaknesses, and flaws, and some powers can even be combined by two or more characters!

The Natural Elements
The natural elements are elements that the former inhabitants of Caelum possessed long ago. They come naturally as a form of evolution, and have worked their way into the DNA of humans to create the new elementals. The natural elements dominate as the primary elements, and those who have them are given state-of-the-art healthcare and training to insure that they are able to live comfortably with their element. Aegis currently only accepts those who possess them, but Epoch accepts anyone.

The most common of the elements, but certainly not the weakest. Water elementals can manipulate water’s shape, temperature, flow, and much more. Some may even someday be able to create entire tsunamis.
Those possessing this element may experience an excessive amount of tears, snot and sweating at times. They must watch out for water buildup in their lungs when using their powers too much.
Water cannot be created out of thin air, so dry places may hinder a water elemental’s abilities.
Earth is the second most common element. Perhaps one of the most versatile elements, Earth elementals can manipulate rocks, sand, plants, metals, and can even talk to animals!
Earth is an extremely taxing element, so those possessing the element may experience frequent physical exhaustion, bloody noses, and muscle soreness.
Earth elementals must be grounded to use their abilities. Meaning, they can’t use them while in midair, or swimming underwater. They cannot create their element, they can only control.
The most graceful of elements, air elementals may seem weaker than the others, but they are anything but. Air elementals not only can manipulate wind, but they can control the weather as well.
Those possessing this element may experience breathlessness, lightheadedness, and popping joints.
Closed spaces. It is difficult to control air in smaller, closed spaces, like caves and inside buildings.
Fire is one of the most destructive and purest of elements. Fire elementals can create, shape and manipulate fire and light, and are unable to be burned. Cold temperatures do not affect them, and they have the capability to become as powerful as a mini sun.
Those who possess this element may experience issues with body temperature in the form of fevers, overheating, and heat exhaustion.
A fire elemental cannot create flames when wet, and it is difficult to keep their flames lit in places with thinner air / little oxygen.
Once the rarest of elements. Like Earth, it is very versatile. Aether elementals possess strange and powerful otherworldly abilities, they are able to control their spirit, use astral projection, summon spirits, create illusions, and even temporarily steal the powers of others.
Aether is a very powerful element, varying in the drawbacks it may cause. The most common include: Hallucinations, migraines, night terrors, insomnia, sleep paralysis, and overall exhaustion.
Aether is extremely difficult to wield, and is easy to mess up. Stronger techniques come at a price.
The Unnatural Elements
The unnatural elements are elements that have popped up only in the last 40 years after the War of the Gods. They've been created artificially by alchemists in order to give power to humans born without elements. Overtime, people have begun acquiring these elements at birth, creating a new stage in evolution. Maybe an abomination that was never meant to be.
The unnatural elementals are looked down upon as a minority, and appear to be very far and in between. Healthcare and knowledge about them is scarce, which forces many to resort to drugs for relief from the illness that comes with the elements. Aegis does not accept join requests from unnatural elements, but Epoch accepts anyone.

An element branching from water, oil elementals possess the ability to manipulate and create oils, the life source of the diesel age. It may be fixed, but with a world full of the stuff, they can be disastrous or a godsend.
Oil is a tough, slippery element. Being unnatural, it brings the host nastier drawbacks. The most common include: Oil secretion, feeling ill, migraines, coughing and choking, smoker's lung, vomiting oil, chemical pneumonia, fatigue, convulsions, irregular heartbeat and palpitations

An element branching from earth, these elementals possess the ability to manipulate mercury, a toxic, liquid metal that can be found in varying quantities around the world. Mercury can be helpful for anything from creating untouchable weapons and armor on the fly, to slowly poisoning their foes to death.
Mercury is a dangerous element, often poisoning the host when in use for too long. The most common flaws include: nausea, numbness, lack of coordination and blurred vision, hearing and speech difficulties.

An element branching from air, these elementals possess the ability to manipulate a variety of gasses. Oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, neon, helium, you name it. Like its counterpart, gas may look like the weak link in the bunch, but if used correctly, it can be one of the most powerful elements. Deadly, or life saving.
Though sometimes helpful, gas can also be dangerous to its host. Common flaws include: Coughing, shortness of breath, painful gas buildup in the body/stomach, lightheadedness and headaches, fatigue, and hallucinations.

An element branching from fire, these elementals possess the ability to manipulate radiation, the most dangerous element of all. These elementals tend to be feared and avoided even by other unnatural elementals. If contained properly, this element can be beneficial, but in most cases, devastating.
Radiation is extremely toxic to organic matter, often making its host the equivalent of the living dead. Common flaws include: burning skin, nausea, migraines, impaired vision, sores and bruises, internal bleeding, bloody noses, sluggishness, and a number of other health conditions.

An element branching from aether, these elementals possess the ability to manipulate time itself. Whether it be seeing the past or future, or alternate possibilities. Even turning back time on all things around them for a second chance. Nothing is impossible when you live in every possible timeline.
Time is an extremely confusing element, and even harder to get a solid grip on. Common flaws include: Brain fog, gaps in memory/memory loss, confusion, a warped sense of reality, mania, migraines, and waking visions/flashbacks.