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Real Estate
In order to make the maps more interactive with the campaign, buildings are available for purchase in both Glenys City and The Trench!
To purchase a plot/building for your OC or NPC, please first check the real estate documents at the bottom of the map pages, and search the letter and number you want to purchase to make sure it isn't already taken!
Although we accept purchases for NPCs, please stick to NPCs that are relevant to your player character's story!
Each plot = 300 Silver!
Please fill out this information template when you make your purchase!
Location: (Glenys or the Trench)
Building number:
Place Name: (Bob's Cafe, Jimmy's house, etc...)
Owned by: (OC or NPC name)
Availability: (Private, Public, Semi-public, etc...)
Description: (A sentence or blurb of the place, or a document link to its information! It does not need a description if it is someone's home)
If there is something you would like to have custom built and added to the map please talk to a mod!
Custom Builds = 2000 Silver!
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