To Become a Citizen of New Erewhon...
1. This group is rated 18+
There will be violence, harsh language, and dark themes. There will be warnings before things that include potentially triggering content, but we want you to know what you're getting into beforehand, so you don't end up blindsided.
2. Do not use derogatory terms and slurs!
This should speak for itself.
3. Discrimination, racism, and LGBTQ+phobic behavior will not be tolerated and will result in an instant ban!
4. As always, please avoid godmodding, powerplaying, and metagaming!
Just because you know something OOC doesn't mean your character will share that same knowledge. This is especially important with the addition of spies in the game!
5. Respect your fellow players!
If there is a disagreement that can't be resolved first between the participants, please take it to the moderators or concerns and complaints form, and we will help you. We would also like to keep politics and too many vents out of the server. We're here to have fun! Keep in mind that the mods are players too, and are also here to share the fun with you!
6. Do not steal!
That's just plain rude. Similarities and inspiration is fine! But we'll catch you if you steal. You don't need to steal to be cool.
7. Three strikes and you're out!
If a member violates the rules, depending on the severity, they will be given a warning the first time around. This comes in the form of correcting your behavior.
If these things continue, a strike will be given, and the third time around, there's no going back. The moderators have the right to ban members from the group with no second chances if they're stirring up a big enough problem with no resolve.
8. Please separate IC problems from OOC, and vice versa.
The players don't always condone the actions and behaviors of their characters ooc! Just because a character might not like yours, doesn't mean that the player doesn't like you or your character. Please respect how others want to play their characters if it's not hurting anyone!
9. Please do not create excessively abusive characters!
You're allowed to have mean and rude characters! But please do not create characters who are only here to stir up drama in the server and hurt people's feelings! These kinds of constant interactions tend to be more uncomfortable than fun, and leaves a nasty feeling in the server that can be difficult to make rule 8 possible.
10. No means NO!
Do not harass other members for headcanons, RPs, art, ships, or anything alike. If someone is persistent on asking when you've already said no, you may DM a moderator and we will give them a warning. This tends to be the most commonly broken rule, so please remember!
11. Please do not share anything NSFW anywhere it's not meant to be.
We will have channels for that. But we ask you to please keep it classy. This is not a porn group!
12. Please try to keep things in the correct channels!
Meaning, keep OOC chatter in the OOC chats, and keep Art in the Art chats and so on! This is so people always know where to go for their needs, and wont feel like they can't use a channel if it's being used for something it's not meant to be used for.
13. It is important that we pay attention to the #trigger-list.
There are some heavy topics that can cause some members mental distress, and we would like everyone to be comfortable here. If something falls too much in the lines of the triggers, please keep it out of the server. If it is mildly triggering however, please put a spoiler tag over it and give members a warning.
If someone expresses discomfort with something going on, please respect their wishes and take it elsewhere. This includes DMs. Make sure you know what someone is comfortable with before springing a heavy topic on them! The mods will also tone things down if asked to, but please keep in mind the themes of this group before you enter!
14. Please don't use characters that haven't been approved in the server!
We want to focus on the ones that are here! You can brainstorm about them in the character creation channel, but try not to go overboard with them like they're already an accepted character.
15. Most importantly, use Common Sense!
We all say dumb things on accident sometimes, but try to think before you speak! Don't make jokes about serious topics like cancer or suicide, give too many details about a pet's death, or spring drama on us. Don't vent too much in the public server, or talk about political stuff that might cause a fight.
Even things that aren't on the trigger list can be disturbing and inappropriate. Even if you do slip, you have the power to catch yourself, delete the post, apologize, change the subject, or take any other such actions! If someone catches you, and politely corrects you, please accept the correction and take the actions required to fix it!
16. Please, please utilize our Concerns, Triggers and Complaints form!
The mods are human! Some things will go over our heads. If something is ever bothering you, even if it's something that the mods are doing, please let us know! We want to be able to catch and change things early before it becomes out of hand or hurts someone! We are sensitive and forgiving people and it really does hurt us when we find out too late that someone felt left out of or upset by something!