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Gas elementals have the passive ability to be able to breathe in places where the air might be otherwise unbreathable.


When EHP hits 0, a gas elemental's abilities will begin gradually taking PHP overtime, and any further actions will have DEX disadvantage until EHP can be recovered.


If abilities that take EHP are used when EHP is at 0, then the loss of PHP and disadvantages will get worse each time.


  • The ability to manipulate gasses of your choice in any way.

  • +2 DEX and +1 MIND

  • Consumes 0 Elemental HP


  • Manipulate the density of air.

  • +2 STR/ATK and +1 DEF while in use

  • Consumes 0 Elemental HP


  • Manipulate the gasses around you to cause or prevent explosions.

  • +2 STR/ATK and +1 DEX while in use

  • Consumes 0 Elemental HP


Death's Kiss



  • Manipulate the particles of your chosen gas to invade your opponent's lungs.

  • Grants +5 to the stat of your choice.

  • Consumes 2 Elemental HP

  • Turn your breath to Hydrogen Sulphide in order to damage and completely paralyze your opponent for 1 turn.

  • Grants +6 ATK/STR

  • Consumes 3 Elemental HP

  • Disorient your enemies by making the air so thin or thick, it becomes uncomfortable to breathe.

  • Causes your target to roll disadvantage on all stats for 1 turn.

  • Consumes 3 Elemental HP

  • Use continuous explosive force to rocket yourself, others, or objects into the sky.

  • Grants +7 DEX

  • Consumes 2 Elemental HP

Solar Ball

Lights Out


Gas Cloud

  • Create a cloud of gas to induce hallucinations and light-headedness.

  • Affected targets will be at MIND and DEF disadvantage until they can roll to successfully fight off the poisoned air.

  • Affected have 2 PHP taken from them for every round affected.

  • Must beat a d100 MIND roll to escape the gas.

  • Consumes all Elemental HP

  • If elemental HP is below its max, you must roll for physical damage

  • Charge plasma particles in the air around you to promote faster healing.

  • Roll a d100 + MIND to see how successfully you heal yourself or up to 3 allies.

  • Consumes 5 Elemental HP

  • Thin out the gasses around up to 3 targets to knock them out.

  • Effects last for 3 rounds, or if target can make a successful MIND roll to wake up.

  • Consumes all Elemental HP

  • If elemental HP is below its max, you must roll for physical damage

  • Rapidly condense the particles in the air to create a solar flare in order to stun and burn enemies.

  • Grants +7 to ATK/STR

  • Consumes 5 Elemental HP




Absolute Gas

  • Requires 5 STRUCT

  • Become your element. There's no going back from this.

  • Turn your body into gas in order to change forms at will, move much quicker, and endure hits much easier.

  • Grants a permanent +3 to all stats, including PHP and EHP.

  • You can no longer use items meant to lessen the effects of Unnatural Elements.

  • An extra PHP point will be taken away each round when EHP runs out. 

  • Grants the ability to become invisible for DEX advantage.

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