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Stained Glass
Stained Glass

Chapter Four

Stained Glass

Glassy Eyes

Days since Newhaven burned: 16


After everything that happened, both factions have been lying low for a bit. It’s been storming nonstop for days, and there’s barely any way to travel long distances comfortably. For Talion, being in a submarine has its perks in times like these. Concord finds comfort in travelling above the clouds where the storms can't touch them.


The sky is dark, and the hair on the backs of our necks doesn’t want to go down. Maybe you’ve checked under your bed, or behind every door, the feeling is annoying and unsettling more than anything...


There's no sign of Ned anywhere. The two factions have exchanged letters trying to figure out his whereabouts after the prison break.


Both crews gradually find out that things are missing from their ships. Concord, missing more than a few things. Important things that they might've grabbed from Newhaven. Maybe a special book, or a piece of jewelry. Was it all misplaced? Talion finds that only a single item of theirs is missing. The aether ball from Newhaven.


We've looked for it all, but there really is no way of finding out what happened. Most might just think that it was all misplaced. The ships were never left alone after all.




Alix rummages quietly through some old stuff left on the Nemesis by its previous owner with some others who might be interested in finding hidden goodies. Old treasures to keep, old tech, old maps. There's one in particular that seems interesting, said to lead to an underwater cave that holds hidden treasure. The previous owners weren't elementals, so they never were able to get it. It sparks their curiosity. Nobody's had much to do since Talion has been taking a break from the public eye, so why not have a little adventure?


They take their finding to the others and suggest that they go.


At the same time, a new member arrives. Welcomed by some, but not so much by others after knowing what had happened and the reasonings behind it... A letter is sent out to Concord.




Eight days. Eight days since Ned was arrested. Four days since Concord huddled up around the radio, hearing that Ned broke out of jail, but not knowing where he went. They’d received a letter, finally. The contents were nothing Huo had expected.


When Huo enters the helm of the Harmonia, he looks around the small room briefly before approaching the steering wheel. He hasn’t been able to shake the feeling of being watched since he read the letter. Concord’s usual maps are laid haphazardly across the control panel directly behind the steering wheel.


The map he’s supposed to find is right on top of it all, neatly centered and waiting patiently to be discovered.


Huo picks it up carefully, almost afraid to touch it. Nothing happens, though. It’s only a map. The dark ink on the page reflects the moonlight that filters in through the helm’s windows.


He takes a deep breath and stares at the page for a few moments longer. Ned told them not to go. But what does he expect them to do? He left, even though everyone else was just as much a fugitive as him now. He’d just told them that Zadkiel burned Newhaven down. If it was a trap, why didn’t he just kill them all when he had the chance?


They’re so close to getting the answers they’ve been hoping for. Huo is tired of being in the dark, and he’s sure that the rest of Concord is as well. In his honest opinion, there’s no other option than to go. 


He folds the map in half and holds it close to his chest as he leaves the helm, ready to find Rue and fill her in. Ready to set sail as soon as possible.




Days since Newhaven burned: 19


Your mission lies within your faction channels.

Stained Glass
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Enter Tartarus

Days since Newhaven burned:
ALIX resigns from their position as first mate.

TALION’s crew seems to all wake up at once. Lying on the floor, a familiar floor. The NEMESIS is in one piece, and everything is where it was before it was destroyed. It seems that everything might’ve been a dream, or some mass hallucination. But when you sit up, and find the dirt and dried blood caked onto your skin, and that the injuries you’d sustained are still there, you realize, it was all real.


Your Captain, and others along with him are rushed to the makeshift hospital on the sub for emergency surgeries and patch work, and amongst the chaos, the confusion, NOT, ALIX, ESTHER, and FENNEL seem to just, appear. Were they here the whole time?

They’re here, they’re alive, uninjured, yet, scars remain from the injuries of their deaths.




CONCORD wakes up just the same. On the deck of the HARMONIA. It’s in one piece. Just as it was before it was destroyed. Injuries remain, yet death does not. HUO, JEAN, and ASOL have been returned to you with their lives, and a lot to tell. Despite having everything and everyone back, the mental toll still remains… There is clearly something much bigger out there than what we thought. Maybe it’s not just the humans we should worry about anymore…


CONCORD and TALION have docked off the coast of St. Elva to regroup, rest and interact with each other if desired.


Public opinion



talion slider 4.png

28/100 Feared

concc slider 4.png

21/100 Disliked

AZELVIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
POPPY earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
NOT earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
HEKTOR earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
CHAU earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
OPHELIA earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 3
AKIL earns 1 EXP and is LEVEL 4
MISEF earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 3
CHESTER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
OLGA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
EVIE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
SANKA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
JEHIEL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
HUO earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
KAMEN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
ALIX earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
RUE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
CARLYLE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
JESPER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
FENNEL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
MARIPOSA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
JEAN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
NED earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
LORELEI earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
AALIYAH earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
BEAU earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
JAY earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
XIULAN earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
FINLEY earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
ESTHER earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
SIMA earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
BASTIAN earns 3 EXP and is LEVEL 2
ASOL earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
MORTIMER earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
SILAS earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 2
DUVIORE earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
AEDUS earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
VICENTE earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
LUCY earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
CLEM earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
INNA earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

Everyone’s Elemental HP has been recharged and increased by 2

Chapter 5 begins on Dec 5th 2020

The maps didn’t lead to what we thought they would. 


Despite NED’s warning, HUO leads his crew to the underwater cave.


TALION, follows ALIX’s quest for cave treasure.


It doesn’t end well for either crew as legendary creatures attack their vessels from the sky and sea when they find themselves in the dangerous waters of PELAGIUS the sea serpent… A ZOAN attacks the HARMONIA, bringing it down to rest in the dark waters. A graveyard of ships. Underwater, nobody can hear TALION scream, when PELAGIUS gives the NEMESIS a similar fate.


All seems lost yet again, so quickly, and we find ourselves lured into the trap known now as TARTARUS. A maze constructed of alchemical glass. A maze that has led elementals to their doom. A place that rests in a suspended form of reality due to the dense collection of energy trapped inside, driving anyone who enters insane.

Our powers were taken from us. Our friends and rivals were killed. The monster killed them.

We killed them.


All for a few coins and the occasional trinket. Was it worth it?


We nearly could have become monsters too. But we were lucky. We got out. Right? 
As TALION and CONCORD stare at each other at the end of the maze, watching each other appear on the cave ceiling of each side, the grounds cave in beneath them, and a stranger steals our dead away before we seem to lose ourselves for a moment in time. Everything is dark and thoughtless.


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