Brass Tacks
Chapter Twelve
War of the Gods
Part 2
December 1st, 5289
Days since Newhaven burned: 589
Emerson Wilde
Today marks one year since life as we know it on our humble planet was threatened by what has since been dubbed the War of the Gods.
Of course, we’re obviously still alive, or else you wouldn’t be reading this article right now! For this, we can thank Talcord, a group we’re all familiar with by now.
In the past year, much has changed not just in Urania, but in the entire world. In a big win for elemental rights activists across the globe, several laws were passed after the war to secure their equality. Using elementals for any purpose against their will is now punishable by law.
The surge of elemental rights has been accompanied by a surge of the elemental population itself. Now that it’s safer than ever for elementals, countless elemental citizens and public figures have come out of hiding and revealed their true selves. In fact, I have recently discovered myself to be capable of harnessing Aether!
Activists such as Presidential Candidate Jehiel Swan helped to pioneer these laws in Urania, with the rest of the world following suit. With Bonham underwater, Delia Coburn remains in Hyrum with the city acting as Urania’s temporary capital and base of all government operations.
Above all, this anniversary is a happy one, and people around the world are celebrating what might just be a new global holiday. The first anniversary of the new world!
Slowly but surely, Urania continues to bounce back from the War of the Gods. Life settles and continues, and while we grow further away from the ghosts of our recent past, they will always be there. Watching, waiting, to see if we will learn from our mistakes, or repeat our history.

Caelum is still in need of work, but it's come so far already. Scars remain, reminding generations to come of what happened a year ago today.
Things will never be the same again.
December 1st now yields victory celebrations across the globe. All thanks to you. The world is celebrating you!
Maybe it feels strange being celebrated by a world that treated you like nothing for so long. Maybe it feels good, like the recognition you deserve. Either way, you deserve to be celebrated.
Like all things started, a festival has been organized on what used to be Newhaven. It's bittersweet being back here, but it's different now. The island had been wiped clean by the war. Wiped of all of the old rules and everything that had been built up to keep us hidden away.
It's bigger now. Better. Used to house more people. More family.
Dubbed Talcordia for now, we leave the island's old customs behind.
The sun has set, letting the island become lit by countless lanterns. Beautiful lights surround you at every street. Dancers move to the beat of the joyful music that fills the air. Good food and games are being offered to you for fun.
It's cold, and a light dust of snow falls over the celebration, but a cup of hot cocoa and the warmth of elemental fire makes it the perfect amount of cozy. Colorful aurora borealis dances in the sky, as if celebrating with you.
For once, we can truly rest.
This is only the beginning of our new journey.

The End