Brass Tacks
Caelum is the planet that the story takes place on. There are vast oceans, and many islands scattered around the globe. The planet maintains very warm climates in most places, covering its land in rainforests and deserts. Caelum is surrounded by beautiful rings that can sometimes be seen at night along with the two moons that orbit it. It orbits a single yellow dwarf, much like Earth’s sun. Caelum is home to millions of species of animals. Some brought over from Earth, and others native to the planet. You never know what you might see there. As cute as some creatures can be, there are also many dangerous ones too.
The planet was once home to a humanoid species, who could flawlessly wield the power of the elements, but they were mysteriously wiped out by an unknown force thousands of years before humans arrived.
The planet is currently ravaged by wars between pirates, independent warlords, and the leaders of countries who are all fighting for power. These are the people who selfishly use Elementals as weapons, buying them from bounty hunters and taking them away from their families.
Brass Tacks
Brass Tacks is the name of the period that humans are currently in on Caelum. The Brass Tacks period is a time of steam powered technology, more advanced than that of what it was back on Earth. It is currently the year 5288.
Elementals are a new kind of human that have evolved overtime to wield the same powers that the former inhabitants of Caelum could. There aren’t many of them compared to the normal human population. Their powers either kill them or they die as a result of war. In the last few hundred years though, they’ve very slowly grown in numbers, having learned to hide themselves and perfect their use of power.
Elementals are often taken away from their families, or even given up as soon as they are discovered. They are not seen as human at all. They are seen as objects of power. They are bought and sold all over the world, mainly for war.
Some small groups of Elementals have formed groups in order to fight back, but they have not yet become successful. Other groups of Elementals choose to hide away and live peaceful lives amongst or away from humans.