Brass Tacks
Chapter Five
Red Herring
It's been a good long while since we've made ourselves public again. Taking time to heal mentally and physically from the tole the maze took on us. Taking time to figure out what we really want to do. There still isn't much of a choice, is there? We still have to find our place in this world.
TALION is angrier than ever with humans after finding out what they'd done to the deceased strangers in the maze. Empathy for humans has fallen low, and some are more willing to destroy them if they must. We can't let anyone suffer that way again, and we can't let humans get away with it anymore.
We came to a low point, but maybe that just made us stronger.
CONCORD seems to be confused and upset more than anything. Your captain has been mentally absent since his return. There's a lot the resurrected have experienced but was it even real? It's hard to know what to do next.
Some of us feel different. More powerful. It feels good. Now we just need to figure out what to do with it…
There’s an annual masquerade party in Bonham, featuring an auction hosted by Sadeq Darzi, a famous billionaire who makes his living off of selling Elementals. That seems like a good place to start...

Days since Newhaven burned: 138
Your missions lie within your faction channels...

September 1st, 5288
The Day Wicked Blood was Spilled
Important people from all over Urania came to enjoy the masquerade themed auction. Those who were human, and those who were Elemental disguised as humans. Things seemed to have been going according to plan... That is, until it didn't of course.
Darzi and his guests, the police, and the auction staff have been left dead after a massive attack. The whole place is a crime scene with barely any witnesses to speak of the event. Even then, they've come down with the plague too, fogging their minds and leaving them less than useful.
Zayd Griffith, and a significant amount of other guests have been reported missing after the incident, likely dead or kidnapped. There's no sign of the elementals, Talion, or Concord, who allegedly made a surprise appearance at the auction.
Known survivors of the party include:
Boris d'Angelo
Tenney Calvin
Gabrielle Sterling
Vivial Aroes
Percival Beaumont
Emerson Wilde
Lucas Bellemore
All of which have been hospitalized except for Percival, who left the party just before a lockdown was called.
Cleo Marconi has been reported found after the incident. They claimed to have been captured by the notorious Talion, and escaped after being left alone in their submarine while the crew failed to return them to their family as per request. Cleo's father, Geralt Marconi, unfortunately perished during the auction, leaving Cleo as the only eligible family member to inherit his life's work.
Cleo is making public their anger involving the new elemental radicalism on the rise in Urania, and has begun sponsoring hunts to capture them.
The man Talion and Concord know as Zadkiel has made himself more present. Bringing a plague upon Urania for purposes unknown. Humans are dropping like flies with no known end to the Manic Plague. It seems to be affecting much more than humans after the auction incident. The surrounding area has been deemed a quarantine zone and is under strict lockdown... Animals and insects are being affected, not falling ill, but becoming ghostlike in many ways, but do not seem to be in any distress. More research is set to be done to find the cause.
So where are we?
In the chaos, Talion and Concord escaped. Some members mixing in with the opposite faction. It all seems to be a blur, but we've made it to our vessels in one piece with the elementals that we'd set out to rescue.
Elementals rescued:
Sasha Kuznetsov
Kai Ferrow
Tomàs Oriol
Alexandria Amaya
Asenia Darmyth
Damien Folie
Bailey Wicke
Leandro (Lenny) Butler
Both factions, thought to be immune to the plague, are now experiencing the illness differently within some crewmembers, while others remain unaffected.
Affected crewmates:
Our healers are working to the best of their ability to find out what's wrong with them and how to fix it. Results will be revealed next chapter...
Both Concord and Talion have gained a small amount of public opinion due to talking some surviving party guests into favoring one or the other.

Public Opinion

37/100 Uncertain
Tenney +6
Emerson +6
Cleo -3

33/100 Wary
Emerson +6
Lucas +4
Vivial +2
AZELVIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
POPPY earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
NOT earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
HEKTOR earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
CHAU earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
OPHELIA earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 3
AKIL earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 4
CHESTER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
OLGA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
EVIE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
SANKA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
JEHIEL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
HUO earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
KAMEN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
ALIX earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
RUE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 6
CARLYLE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
JESPER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
FENNEL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
MARIPOSA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
JEAN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
NED earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 5
LORELEI earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
AALIYAH earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
BEAU earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
JAY earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
XIULAN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
FINLEY earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
ESTHER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
SIMA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
BASTIAN earns 2 EXP and is LEVEL 3
ASOL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
MORTIMER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
SILAS earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 2
DUVIORE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
AEDUS earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
VICENTE earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
LUCY earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
CLEM earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
INNA earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
MICHELANGELO earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
JULIUS earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
VALERIA earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
EVENING earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
CLAY earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
WARNER earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
GEN earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
LANGLY earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
CERVANTES earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
ROWAN earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2