Brass Tacks
Chapter three
Fallen Between Cracks
The things that we’ve found on the island lingers in some of our minds. The fact that both factions had similar experiences. Both have something that hasn’t revealed its secrets yet. There’s no returning home now because of those creatures overrunning it. The lives we have now is what we’ll have to get used to if change isn’t made. Fane has been hiding something all these years. He dug his own grave with someone named Zadkiel, and someone else we now know as “S.”
If only we could ask him what’s going on…
Days since Newhaven burned: 8
Dark clouds swirl over Urania, and storms seem to be getting worse. It happens when spring is getting ready to transition over to summer, but there’s a strange energy in the air. A purple haze even. No matter. We’ve braved aether creatures and fire so far, we can brave storms.
JEHIEL: I sent a letter to Concord with all that they need to know about what we found on Newhaven just to let you all know. We weren't able to have an in person meeting, so this was the next best thing.
AZELVIA: even better
KAMEN: It's probably for the best...
JAY: Only a shame they couldn’t see our beautiful faces.
JAY: Ya did the right thing, Cap.
JEHIEL: Thanks. Hopefully they haven't gone to the island yet and it's not too late.
HEKTOR: Who is beautiful?
JAY: Hopefully. And if so?
JAY: Well, rude awakening’s sometimes the best thing.
JAY: All of us who wish t’be, of course.
HEKTOR: You signed the letter from me too or no?
HUO: Bastil brought a letter
HUO: Do you all want to see?
BEAU: Yes, please.
RUE: ...What do you make of it all?
HUO: Um...
HUO: Well, they found a lot of things, too.
HUO: They don't think we were on the island, I guess. The letter mentions some person named Zadkiel...? Maybe they have something to do with 'S'. I don't know. I think we should write back. If anyone wants to read this, come over here.
BEAU: Far too many questions and not enough answers...
RUE: It really feels like we’ve inherited Fane’s conflicts with... whoever these people are.
RUE: But I agree... we should write back. Maybe more heads together can help piece everything.
BEAU: I wonder what the energy could possibly be…
Someone sits at their radio. It’s crackling with magic, listening in on conversations all around the world. They stand up from their chair. A floating cup of tea makes its way over to their hands. Aether creatures stand around the room, watching, waiting. A hand strokes their heads as if they’re beloved pets.
A voice familiar to some lucky souls speaks,
“Sherry, could you kindly pay our friends from Concord a visit while I’m off visiting with the other ones?”
Your mission lies within your faction channels.

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!"
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23/100 Feared

16/100 Despised
CECILIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
AZELVIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
POPPY earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
NOT earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
HEKTOR earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
CHAU earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
OPHELIA earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 3
AKIL earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 3
MISEF earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 3
AKARIS earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 2
CHESTER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
OLGA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
EVIE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
SANKA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
JEHIEL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
HUO earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
KAMEN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
ALIX earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
RUE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 4
CARLYLE earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
JESPER earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
FENNEL earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
MARIPOSA earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
JEAN earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
NED earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
LORELEI earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
AALIYAH earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
BEAU earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
JAY earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
XIULAN earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
FINLEY earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
ESTHER earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
SIMA earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
BASTIAN earns 0 EXP and is LEVEL 1
ASOL earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
MORTIMER earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
SILAS earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
YVINAIRE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
DUVIORE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 2
AEDUS earns 3 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

Minutes turn into hours, and hours turn into days. The police didn't waste much time in throwing Ned into a special prison cell after pulling his file from years ago and finding out about who he really is... An elemental, who had done factory work in Hyrum. An elemental who belongs back in that field of work. A pirate. There's no way Concord will be able to find him now.
He's set up to be sold again soon.
He's been left in a cold alchemical glass cell, with no bed, no food, just a dog bowl full of water and a concrete floor. It's dark, and no windows let light into the room. The only light is coming from a lamp by the guard in the hall who's reading a book. A guard who suddenly falls dead in an instant.
A man, or... What looks like one, approaches the cell. His eyes glow a brilliant cyan, and he looks as though he's made of galaxies. “Hello, Ned... My name is Zadkiel. I see you're in quite the predicament,” the man says.
Ned stands, immediately on guard. He looks the stranger up and down, noting his eyes. “I believe I am. What's it to ya?” He says dryly.
Zadkiel chuckles. “Well, I thought I'd bring you back to your friends. Would you like that?”
Ned continues to eye him. Of course, I would like that, but what's his angle? Ned thinks, swallowing. Zadkiel... Where had he heard that name before? Then he remembers the letter from Talion. This man was in some shady business with Fane. Ned crosses his arms, placing the prosthetic on the bottom. “That'd be awfully swell. What's in it for you?”
Zadkiel taps on the glass cell, taking note of any expressions and body language he's seeing. He smiles. “I'm glad you asked. I just want you to be safe. I've been watching you and your friends, Ned... I see great potential in you all... I'd just like it if you'd put in a good word for me. My friend left a map to a special place for Concord to find, and I'd like you to convince them to go. Could you do that?”
Ned frowns. This sounds like a trap. “You were in cahoots with Fane. Sounded like he was sellin' us out. I'm aware we're being watched and am not overly fond of that. How would I know that taking Concord to find the map is safe for us, and what do we do with the map afterwards? Is it for you? This all sounds a little too good to be true.”
“I was. But then he betrayed us all. The map is yours to keep. I have no need for it. It leads to things that will aid you in the future…” Zadkiel pauses. “A lot will seem too good to be true now that you have an original elemental on your side.”
The guard's keys float from his belt and land in Zadkiel's hand before he unlocks the cell for Ned. He politely gestures for him to come out into the hall.
Ned stares, but then he slowly and carefully inches his way toward the open door of the cell, doing his best to keep his distance. He couldn't pass up freedom. His past captain had taught him that much.
Original elemental, huh? Ned makes his way out of the cell, eyes still glued to this weirdo. “Can I tell my friends of this exchange? I'm sure they would want to know how I got out and obtained info on a mysterious map.”
“Of course. Tell them whatever you’d like,” Zadkiel answers. He walks up the stairs, leading Ned to the main building, and outside. There aren't any police or guards to get in the way. They’re all dead. There's a small airship waiting outside for Ned to get back to Concord.
Zadkiel extends his hand for a handshake. “The Harmonia is where you last left it. I'm happy to have met you in person.”
Ned doesn't shake his hand. “I only have two questions left.” He holds up one finger. “One; can I get instructions on finding the map?” He holds up a second finger and glares. “And two; were you the one who blew up Newhaven?”
Zadkiel chuckles at the last question and takes his hand back. “The map is on Concord's ship. Amongst the other maps located at the helm. And... Yes. It was the only way to free you all.”
Ned bristles, but remembers how not keeping his cool landed him here. He exhales, calming the static in his fingertips. “Fine. And, er, thanks, I guess.”
Ned steps on to the small craft and begins preparing it for lift off. When he looks back, Zadkiel is gone. Ned huffs. Like hell he was going to play into this lunatic's hands. He raises the ship and sets a course eastward.
Ned takes the information to Talion.
Wilde World Radio Show EP 1 Wilde World Radio Show EP 2