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Chapter Two

The Things We Lost in the Fire

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Public Opinion


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CECILIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

AZELVIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

POPPY earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

NOT earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

HEKTOR earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

CHAU earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

AREVIK earns 0 EXP and is at LEVEL 1

OPHELIA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

AKIL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

AKARIS earns 0 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

MISEF earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

CHESTER earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

LIVELY earns 0 EXP and is at LEVEL 1

OLGA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

LEILANI earns 0 EXP and is at LEVEL 1

EVIE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

SANKA earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

JEHIEL earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

HUO earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

KAMEN earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

ALIX earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3

RUE earns 1 EXP and is now LEVEL 3
CARLYLE earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

JESPER earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

FENNEL earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

MARIPOSA earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

JEAN earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2

NED earns 2 EXP and is now LEVEL 2



Chapter 3 will begin on October 6th!

It has been a few days since our home was destroyed. Since our family split apart. Since everything as we know it changed for better or for worse. At first, morals had heavily leaned toward JEHIEL’s side, but both sides were proven to be equal in the end. Which could complicate things further. 


Which path is right? Which is wrong? Or are there rights and wrongs in both?


What even decides what right or wrong really is?


The crew now known as TALION, stays behind in Bonham, while CONCORD takes the Harmonia and departs from the mainland, leaving friends behind to do god knows what. During nightfall, TALION gathers necessities, and acquires a long dead submarine from an old sea explorer. Only to bring it to life with the help of our talented ferrokinesis elementals, and mechanics. Nemesis is our new home for now… We’ve been strategizing, trying to find out the best steps to accomplish our goals. Resting, and healing from our wounds.


The world seems just a little bit darker now. You’re not sure if it’s just the impact of what happened to Newhaven weighing heavy on your shoulders, or if the world really is, dark. The questions and mysteries claw at your mind, waiting to be solved. What the hell is going on? Luckily, that’s just what the factions have set out to do for the moment. Find answers. 


Returning to the scene of the crime is the best place to start, right? 

CONCORD had returned to the island a few days ago, staying in the ship, waiting for the smoldering remains of the island to cool down. It’s evident from where you are that some structures still stand. Ash carries on the wind, stealing away the memories that the island once held. It’s so much more quiet than what you remember. There’s so much nothing, and no one.


No one.


Not even a single body or living person waiting for help. And yet you know that people were lost. So where are they...?


Your mission lies within your faction channel.

Someone listens, as the comms crackle to life...


-- Static --


HUO: Does...

HUO: Does anyone have any theories...? About what's going on...?


JEAN: I'd have a better theory for you if the spirits were working in my favor right now. They seem to be hesitant.


CHAU: Um... someone trying really hard to make us confused?


CHESS: Mmn, not really? The cave had somethin' funky going on, but I dunno if the bloods related..


HUO: I think it's definitely a little more than some mainland humans torching the island, at least.


AKIL: So what was exactly going on in the cave? 


JEAN: Could be elementals workin' with the fuckers.


-- Static --


CONCORD arrived on Newhaven to recover bodies and to rebuild. Instead, they found a severe lack of bodies, and a troubling trail of clues and puzzles that all ended in an ambush of strange shadowy creatures who ran them all off the island. Little did they know, TALION was just beyond the tropical forest, on the other side of the island searching for clues. They found out that things weren’t all that they seemed, finding letters and secrets all around only to be interrupted by the same shadowy creatures.


-- Static --


RUE: ...Leary is here. He’s hurt. Huo, stay alert.


HUO: Leary...?

HUO: Okay. My eyes are open. Is he- is he okay?


OPHELIA: I don’t have a good feeling. Should we try moving him somewhere more private?


RUE: I don’t know... I don’t think he can move, Phi.


CHESS: Wouldn't risk 'em losing MORE blood by movin'... but I feel like some of us should stand guard…


NED: I don't like this. We're too out in the open. As much as I wouldn't mind ditching him, he has info. Rue, can you do something?


CHESS: We ain't ditchin' no one! Man's still alive, we ain't leavin' him. Why not help if you're gonna be all fidgety 'bout it.


-- Static --


The creatures were old friends and family that had been lost in the attack on Newhaven, discovered by JEAN and EVIE


But how did they get this way?


-- Static --


EVIE: That note! It mentioned aether elementals and becoming gods... Were they trying to become a part of the aether? That must be why they considered us dangerous… It's because we're the most attuned to the aether—to the afterlife—to energy itself.


SANKA: That is an interesting hypothesis…


-- Static --


The creatures spoke of taking us with them. Bringing us somewhere safe, and took on the faces of figures that had once been or still are important in our lives. It was a failed attempt at comfort. Nobody chose to go with them, instead, fighting and strategizing against them despite being outnumbered.


-- Static --


HEKTOR: E... excuse me, we are sure there is no other Knockenmus, because...


-- Static --


HEKTOR nearly loses his life to a creature that looks to him like himself. NOT is haunted by the images of her parents all around her. SANKA is met by a horde, all wearing his brother’s face. JEAN nearly befriends the creatures before they make the mistake of showing her the face of her father. HUO is faced with the man that he loves…


And they fight.



works together to flee with 7 kills.



works together to outsmart the majority of the creatures until they can group back up, killing 12 until one creature remains.

Both factions experience near-deaths, but no fatalities.


-- Static --


HEKTOR: No pain, it says. ... I feel sad now…


JEHIEL: I don't trust this...


JESPER: Kill it already!


FENNEL: ...Where is it speaking of?


HEKTOR: No pain, but it still pains me-- I kill now, yes?


-- Static --


Despite their efforts the creatures multiply as both factions leave the island. Hundreds of them manifest behind you as you turn your back on it for the last time. Watching you with their bright eyes. Reaching for you to return. The island is uninhabitable now it seems. Whether we wanted it back or not. There's no rebuilding Newhaven. No coming back for clues without a fight.


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